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Lab 8 - Contribution Goals for CDOT Telescope & LifeStyle E-Commerce

After successfully completing Hacktoberfest, we move onto bigger and better challenges in open source. By November 15th I have the following goals to complete:

1. Contribute to a bigger issue on an open-source project (no more "good-first-issue" tags).
2. Contribute to CDOT Telescope, an internal project built by my fellow classmates.

In this post I will break down my issue and goal for each goal.

External Project- LifeStyle E-Commerce 

This is a project I found in hacktoberfest and fixed a styling alignment bug for. You can find the full details of my contribution in my previous post.  If you are already familiar wit the project, you can skip the overview section.

Lifestyle E-ommerce is a front-end project for building an online store. It supplies various well designed pages for front-end developers to customize and utilize as a starting point for their e-commerce projects, whether it be for themselves or their clients. I gravitated towards this project because I've do some freelance web development on an occasional basis, and often utilize pre-designed themes like this project to speed up the process. I thought it would be fitting for me to give back to the type of work I've used in the past.

The Issue - Re-Implement the site as an Angular web app
Right now the project acts as a standard HTML website with some additional third party JS and CSS libraries. The owner created an issue suggesting the re-implementation of the site as an Angular web app to act as a theme or starting point for Angular based eCommerce projects for freelance web developers.

The Challenge
Angular supports HTML and CSS, so styling and layout won't present many problems, however the use of jQuery and other Javascript for the underlying logic of the website is where things will get challenging. Angular uses TypeScript for it's logic and programming, therefore it will take longer to re-implement various functions into the typescript. Furthermore, I will need to plan out how to 'component-ize" the website optimally, since Angular runs on a component based architecture. Finally I will have to build the routing module since Angular apps are single page web apps, the routing paths to these pages need to be manually configured and each page will be its own component. 

This is by far the largest issue I've taken on to date, and will almost certainly challenge me in unforeseeable ways as well.

Internal Project - Telescope

In short, Telescope is a website displaying "aggregated feed of blog posts" from students and/or faculty at Seneca College that are working on open-source projects. For a full overview of Telescope please read the official overview on the telescope repo.

This issue was assigned to me by a fellow student who was involved in planning out the front end for telescope. The premise behind the issue is to cap the number of blog posts to a limit, and then have the remaining show up on the next page and so on. This is to improve the UI so that they are not left with an extremely long page to scroll through. 

Up to this point, I have just been waiting for the individual who volunteered to complete the initial static HTML page to have their work merged so I can proceed from there. At this current point in time, there are sample blog posts hard coded to the front end. In this current state, I'll proceed to implement the pagination logic in the same manner, as I will have to statically hard code those sample posts in to each page since they are not being dynamically fed yet. 

Eventually once the blog posts are being dynamically generated in the web page, the pagination will also be ready by tweaking a few lines of code to replace the hard-coded sample posts. 

Stay tuned for the results of these efforts next week!


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